Advanced Tutorial#

This tutorial shows some more advanced features of the Data types presented in the previous tutorial.

Working with custom atomic names#

Many quantum codes, and AiiDA itself, allow for defining custom atomic names. This can be usefull when defining some extra features, such as magnetic ordering or on-site Hubbard values. Nevertheless, Phonopy is not handling such cases, and this could be a bottleneck for the usage of the package in AiiDA. In aiida-phonopy, we manage to overcome this problem! Let’s see how does it work!

A structure with kinds#

Let’s define a very simple structure that contains two atoms of the same species. Let’s take cubic silicon!

from local_module import load_temp_profile
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
# If you download this file, you can run it with your own profile.
# Put these lines instead:
# from aiida import load_profile
# load_profile()

StructureData = DataFactory("core.structure")

a = 2.716
cell = [[0,a,a],[a,0,a],[a,a,0]]

structure = StructureData(cell=cell)
structure.append_atom(position=(a,a,a), symbols="Si", name="Si1")
structure.append_atom(position=(1.5*a,1.5*a,1.5*a), symbols="Si", name="Si2")

Now we can pass load it in the with a supercell matrix of (2,2,2). Let’s see if the supercell has the correct kinds.

PreProcessData = DataFactory("phonopy.preprocess")

preprocess_data =  PreProcessData(structure=structure, supercell_matrix=[2,2,2])

supercell = preprocess_data.get_supercell()
[<Site: kind name 'Si1' @ 2.716,2.716,2.716>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si1' @ 2.716,5.432,5.432>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si1' @ 5.432,2.716,5.432>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si1' @ 5.432,5.432,8.148>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si1' @ 5.432,5.432,2.716>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si1' @ 5.432,8.148,5.432>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si1' @ 8.148,5.432,5.432>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si1' @ 8.148,8.148,8.148>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si2' @ 4.074,4.074,4.074>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si2' @ 4.074,6.79,6.79>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si2' @ 6.79,4.074,6.79>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si2' @ 6.79,6.79,9.506>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si2' @ 6.79,6.79,4.074>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si2' @ 6.79,9.506,6.79>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si2' @ 9.506,6.79,6.79>,
 <Site: kind name 'Si2' @ 9.506,9.506,9.506>]

Great! The supercell structure has the correct kind names.

If we have a look at the number of structure with displacements, we will notice they will be higher than the silicon structure with only chemical symbols.

supercells = preprocess_data.get_supercells_with_displacements()
print(f"Number of displacements: {len(supercells)}")
Number of displacements: 2

This may or may not be a wanted behaviour. If you want Phonopy to not distinguish atoms on their name, you can initialize the PreProcessData with the flag distinguish_kinds = False, as follows:

preprocess_data = PreProcessData(structure, supercell_matrix=[2,2,2], distinguish_kinds=False)
supercells = preprocess_data.get_supercells_with_displacements()
print(f"Now the number of displacements are: {len(supercells)}")
Now the number of displacements are: 1


Verify that the supercell still have the same kind names.