Source code for aiida_phonopy.parsers.raw_parsers.phonopy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Raw parsers of the phonopy output files."""

from aiida_phonopy.utils.mapping import get_logging_container

[docs]def parse_stdout(stdout): """Raw parser of the phonopy std output. :param stdout: str of the std output of phonopy :returns: tuple of two dictionaries, with the parsed data and log messages, respectively """ stdout_lines = stdout.splitlines() logs = get_logging_container() parsed_data = {} is_incomplete = True for line in stdout_lines: if 'Python' in line: parsed_data.update({'python_version': line.split()[-1]}) if 'Spglib' in line: parsed_data.update({'spglib_version': line.split()[-1]}) if 'One of the following run modes may be specified for phonon calculations.' in line: logs.error.append('ERROR_BAD_INPUTS') if 'Summary of calculation was written in "phonopy.yaml".' in line: is_incomplete = False if is_incomplete: logs.error.append('ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE') return parsed_data, logs