Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module defining the base class for other Data types."""
from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Union

from aiida import orm
from import ArrayData
import numpy as np
from phonopy import Phonopy
from phonopy.structure.cells import PhonopyAtoms

from aiida_phonopy.calculations.functions.link_structures import (

[docs]def _get_valid_matrix(matrix: Union[list, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Get and validate the `supercell_matrix` and `primitive_matrix` inputs. :param matrix: (3,1) or (3,3) shape array :type matrix: :class:`list`, :class:`~aiida.orm.List`, :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: a (3,3) numpy.ndarray :raises: * TypeError: if it is not a valid array type and if the array does not contain only numbers * ValueError: if the array is not of the correct shape """ if not isinstance(matrix, (list, orm.List, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("only `list`, `aiida.orm.List` and `numpy.ndarray` (and 'auto' as string for primitive)") if isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): matrix = matrix.tolist() if not len(matrix) == 3: raise ValueError('need exactly (3,1) or (3,3) shape.') for row in matrix: if isinstance(row, list): if not len(row) in [0, 3]: raise ValueError('matrix need to have (3,1) or (3,3) shape.') for element in row: if not isinstance(element, (int, float)): raise TypeError( f'type `{type(element)}` of {element} is not an accepted ' 'type in matrix; only `int` and `float` are valid.' ) valid_matrix = np.array(matrix) valid_matrix = np.diag(valid_matrix) if valid_matrix.shape == (3,) else valid_matrix return valid_matrix
[docs]class RawData(ArrayData): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Base class containing the information for the other phonon related data types.""" def __init__( self, structure: Union[orm.StructureData, None] = None, phonopy_atoms: Union[PhonopyAtoms, None] = None, supercell_matrix: list | None = None, primitive_matrix: list | str | None = None, symprec: float = 1e-05, is_symmetry: bool = True, distinguish_kinds: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Instantiate the class. The minimal input is to define either the `structure` or the `phonopy_atoms` input. They cannot be specified at the same time. :param structure: an :class:`~aiida.orm.StructureData` node :param phononpy_atoms: a :class:`~phonopy.structure.cells.PhonopyAtoms` instance :param supercell_matrix: a (3,3) shape array describing the supercell transformation :param primitive_matrix: a (3,3) shape array describing the primite transformation :param symprec: precision tollerance for symmetry analysis :param is_symmetry: whether using symmetries :distinguish_kinds: it stores a mapping between kinds and chemical symbols; by default Phonopy does not support kind, thus useful if in the input `structure` kinds are defined :paramm kwargs: for internal use """ if structure and phonopy_atoms: raise ValueError('cannot pass `structure`and `phonopy_atoms` at the same time') if structure: phonopy_atoms_unitcell, mapping = phonopy_atoms_from_structure(structure) pbc = structure.pbc elif phonopy_atoms: phonopy_atoms_unitcell, mapping = (phonopy_atoms, None) pbc = [True, True, True] # to be changed when Phonopy will support PBC else: raise ValueError('at least one between `structure` and `phonopy_atoms` must be specified') args = { 'unitcell': phonopy_atoms_unitcell, 'supercell_matrix': supercell_matrix, 'primitive_matrix': primitive_matrix, 'symprec': symprec, 'is_symmetry': is_symmetry, } try: Phonopy(**args) except Exception as err: raise ValueError('one or more inputs are not consistent with the `phonopy.Phonopy` format') from err super().__init__(**kwargs) # Inizializing the class attributes. self._set_phonopy_version() self._set_unitcell_attributes(phonopy_atoms=phonopy_atoms_unitcell, pbc=pbc) self._set_kinds_map(mapping) self._set_distinguish_kinds(distinguish_kinds) # crucial before setting symbols/names! self._set_symbols_and_names() if not supercell_matrix is None: self._set_supercell_matrix(supercell_matrix) else: self._set_supercell_matrix(np.eye(3)) self._set_symprec(symprec) self._set_is_symmetry(is_symmetry) # Important that is the last to be specified since, if "auto" is passed, # a phonopy instance is generated to get the primitive structure. if primitive_matrix is not None: self._set_primitive_matrix(primitive_matrix) else: value = 'auto' if self.is_symmetry else np.eye(3) self._set_primitive_matrix(value) @property
[docs] def phonopy_version(self) -> str: """Get the Phonopy version used.""" return self.base.attributes.get('phonopy_version')
[docs] def _set_phonopy_version(self): """Set the installed Phonopy version.""" from phonopy.version import __version__ as the_phonopy_version self._if_can_modify() self.base.attributes.set('phonopy_version', the_phonopy_version)
[docs] def numbers(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the array corresponding to the atomic number in periodic table of the sturcture. :return: (nat,) shaper array """ return self.base.attributes.get('numbers')
[docs] def masses(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the array of the atomic masses in the cell. :return: (nat,) shape array """ return self.base.attributes.get('masses')
[docs] def positions(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the array of the atomic positions in the cell. :return: (nat, 3) shape array """ return self.base.attributes.get('positions')
[docs] def cell(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the lattice matrix of the structure. .. important: lattice vectors as rows of the matrix :return: (3,3) shape array """ return self.base.attributes.get('cell')
[docs] def magnetic_moments(self) -> list[int]: """Get the `magnetic_moments` array of the atoms in the cell.""" return self.base.attributes.get('magnetic_moments')
[docs] def symbols(self) -> list[str]: """Get the chemical `symbols` array of the atoms in the cell.""" return self.base.attributes.get('symbols')
[docs] def pbc(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """Get the periodic boundary conditions.""" return self.base.attributes.get('pbc')
[docs] def names(self) -> list[str]: """Get the custom `names` array of the atoms in the cell. .. note: if no special names are specified, this will be equal to `symbols`. """ return self.base.attributes.get('names')
[docs] def _set_unitcell_attributes(self, phonopy_atoms: PhonopyAtoms, pbc: tuple[bool, bool, bool]): """Set the attributes for full reproducibility of the `PhonopyAtoms` class.""" self._if_can_modify() self.base.attributes.set_many({ 'numbers': phonopy_atoms.numbers, 'masses': phonopy_atoms.masses, 'positions': phonopy_atoms.positions, 'cell': phonopy_atoms.cell, 'magnetic_moments': phonopy_atoms.magnetic_moments, 'pbc': pbc, })
[docs] def _set_symbols_and_names(self): """Set the `symbols` and `names`.""" if self.kinds_map: numbers_to_names, numbers_to_symbols = self.kinds_map symbols = [] names = [] for number in self.numbers: try: names.append(numbers_to_names[number]) symbols.append(numbers_to_symbols[number]) except KeyError: names.append(numbers_to_names[str(number)]) symbols.append(numbers_to_symbols[str(number)]) self.base.attributes.set('symbols', symbols) self.base.attributes.set('names', names) else: phonopy_atoms = self._get_phonopy_atoms_unitcell(distinguish_kinds=True) self.base.attributes.set('symbols', deepcopy(phonopy_atoms.symbols)) self.base.attributes.set('names', deepcopy(phonopy_atoms.symbols))
[docs] def supercell_matrix(self) -> list: """Get the `supercell_matrix`. :return: a (3,3) shape array """ return self.base.attributes.get('supercell_matrix')
[docs] def _set_supercell_matrix(self, value: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """Set the Phonopy supercell matrix. :param value: (3,3) or (3,1) shape array :type value: :class:`list`, :class:`~aiida.orm.List`, :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises ModificationNotAllowed: if object is already stored """ self._if_can_modify() the_supercell_matrix = _get_valid_matrix(value) self.base.attributes.set('supercell_matrix', deepcopy(the_supercell_matrix))
[docs] def primitive_matrix(self) -> list: """Get the `primitive_matrix`. :return: a (3,3) shape array """ return self.base.attributes.get('primitive_matrix')
[docs] def _set_primitive_matrix(self, value: Union[list, np.ndarray, str]): """Set the primitive matrix. :param value: (3,3) or (3,1) shape array, or 'auto" :type value: :class:`list`, :class:`~aiida.orm.List`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`str` :raises ModificationNotAllowed: if object is already stored """ self._if_can_modify() if isinstance(value, str): the_primitive_matrix = self.get_phonopy_instance(**{'primitive': value}).primitive_matrix else: the_primitive_matrix = _get_valid_matrix(value) self.base.attributes.set('primitive_matrix', deepcopy(the_primitive_matrix))
[docs] def symprec(self) -> float: """Get the tolerance for symmetry analysis.""" return self.base.attributes.get('symprec')
[docs] def _set_symprec(self, value: float): """Set the symmetry tolerance. :param value: tolerance for symmetry analysis. Check that you get the right symmetry of your structure before starting any calculation. Default is 1e-05. :type value: float :raises: * ModificationNotAllowed: if object is already stored * TypeError: if the input is not of type `float` """ self._if_can_modify() if not isinstance(value, float): raise ValueError('only `float` type is accepted.') self.base.attributes.set('symprec', deepcopy(value))
[docs] def is_symmetry(self) -> bool: """Get `is_symmetry` value. It refers to whether Phonopy will use symmetries to reduce the number of displacements for frozen phonons. """ return self.base.attributes.get('is_symmetry')
[docs] def _set_is_symmetry(self, value: bool): """Set whether to use the symmetries. Use with care and if you know what your are doing. :param value: whether to use or not the symmetries. Deafault is True. :type value: bool :raises: * ModificationNotAllowed: if object is already stored * TypeError: if the input is not of type `bool` """ self._if_can_modify() if not isinstance(value, bool): raise ValueError('only `bool` type is accepted.') self.base.attributes.set('is_symmetry', deepcopy(value))
[docs] def kinds_map(self) -> dict | None: """Get the map bewtween of the `numbers` and the `symbols` and `names`.""" try: the_map = self.base.attributes.get('kinds_map') except AttributeError: the_map = None return the_map
[docs] def _set_kinds_map(self, value: dict): """Set the kind names map between the PhonopyAtoms unitcell and a reference structure. This is needed since PhonopyAtoms does not support kind names. This attribute allows to get proper `StructureData` supercells with displacements. :param value: tuple with two dictionaries (numbers_to_names, numbers_to_symbols) """ self._if_can_modify() self.base.attributes.set('kinds_map', value)
[docs] def distinguish_kinds(self) -> bool: """Get whether or not kinds with same chemical symbol will be distinguished by symmetry.""" return self.base.attributes.get('distinguish_kinds')
[docs] def _set_distinguish_kinds(self, value: bool): """Set whether or not to distinguish kinds.""" self._if_can_modify() if not isinstance(value, bool): raise ValueError('only `bool` type is accepted.') self.base.attributes.set('distinguish_kinds', value)
[docs] def _get_phonopy_atoms_unitcell(self, distinguish_kinds: bool) -> PhonopyAtoms: """Get the PhonopyAtoms object using the internal attributes.""" kwargs = { 'cell': self.cell, 'positions': self.positions, 'masses': self.masses, 'magmoms': self.magnetic_moments } if distinguish_kinds: kwargs.update({'numbers': self.numbers}) else: kwargs.update({'symbols': self.symbols}) return PhonopyAtoms(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_phonopy_instance( self, symmetrize_nac: bool | None = None, factor_nac: float | None = None, **kwargs ) -> Phonopy: """Return a :py:class:`phonopy.Phonopy` object with the current values. :param symmetrize_nac: whether or not to symmetrize the nac parameters using point group symmetry; defaults to self.is_symmetry :type symmetrize_nac: bool :param factor_nac: factor for non-analytical corrections; defaults to Hartree*Bohr :type factor_nac: float :param kwargs: for internal use to set the primitive cell """ from phonopy.structure.symmetry import symmetrize_borns_and_epsilon from phonopy.units import Bohr, Hartree distinguish = kwargs.pop('distinguish', self.distinguish_kinds) unitcell = self._get_phonopy_atoms_unitcell(distinguish) primitive_matrix = kwargs.pop('primitive', None) if primitive_matrix is None: primitive_matrix = self.primitive_matrix ph_instance = Phonopy( unitcell=unitcell, supercell_matrix=self.supercell_matrix, primitive_matrix=primitive_matrix, symprec=self.symprec, is_symmetry=self.is_symmetry ) # Non-analytical parameters if not isinstance(symmetrize_nac, bool) and symmetrize_nac is not None: raise TypeError('`symmetrize_nac` not of the right type') if symmetrize_nac is not None: do_symmetrize = symmetrize_nac else: do_symmetrize = self.is_symmetry if not isinstance(factor_nac, (float, int)) and factor_nac is not None: raise TypeError('input not of the right type') if factor_nac is not None: the_factor = factor_nac else: the_factor = Hartree * Bohr if self.has_nac_parameters(): if do_symmetrize: nac = symmetrize_borns_and_epsilon( borns=self.born_charges, epsilon=self.dielectric, ucell=ph_instance.primitive, symprec=self.symprec ) the_born = nac[0] the_dielectric = nac[1] else: the_born = self.born_charges the_dielectric = self.dielectric ph_instance.nac_params = {'born': the_born, 'dielectric': the_dielectric, 'factor': the_factor} return ph_instance
[docs] def get_unitcell(self) -> orm.StructureData: """Get the `unitcell` as StructureData (not stored).""" kwargs = {'distinguish': True} phonopy_instance = self.get_phonopy_instance(**kwargs).unitcell return phonopy_atoms_to_structure(phonopy_instance, self.kinds_map, self.pbc)
[docs] def get_primitive_cell(self) -> orm.StructureData: """Get the `primitive cell` as StructureData (not stored).""" kwargs = {'distinguish': True} phonopy_instance = self.get_phonopy_instance(**kwargs).primitive return phonopy_atoms_to_structure(phonopy_instance, self.kinds_map, self.pbc)
[docs] def get_supercell(self) -> orm.StructureData: """Get the pristine `supercell` as StructureData (not stored).""" kwargs = {'distinguish': True} phonopy_instance = self.get_phonopy_instance(**kwargs).supercell return phonopy_atoms_to_structure(phonopy_instance, self.kinds_map, self.pbc)
[docs] def get_cells_mappings(self) -> dict[dict[list]]: """Return a dictionary containing the mappings among unit-, super- and primitive cell. :return: dictionary with the following key:pair structure: * primitive: {p2p_map: list, p2s_map: list, s2p_map: list} * supercell: {u2u_map: list, u2s_map: list, s2u_map: list} """ ph = self.get_phonopy_instance() cells_maps = { 'primitive': { 'p2p_map': ph.primitive.p2p_map, 'p2s_map': ph.primitive.p2s_map, 's2p_map': ph.primitive.s2p_map, }, 'supercell': { 'u2u_map': ph.supercell.u2u_map, 'u2s_map': ph.supercell.u2s_map, 's2u_map': ph.supercell.s2u_map, }, } return cells_maps
[docs] def dielectric(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """Get the high-frequency dielectric tensor in Cartesian coordinates.""" try: value = self.base.attributes.get('dielectric') value = np.array(value) except (KeyError, AttributeError): value = None return value
[docs] def set_dielectric(self, dielectric: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """Set the high-frequency dielectric tensor in Cartesian coordinates. .. note: it is assumed that the reference system is the same of the primitive cell. :param dielectric: (3, 3) array like :raises: * TypeError: if the format is not compatible or of the correct type * ValueError: if the format is not compatible or of the correct type """ self._if_can_modify() if not isinstance(dielectric, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('the input is not of the correct type') the_dielectric = np.array(dielectric) if the_dielectric.shape == (3, 3): self.base.attributes.set('dielectric', the_dielectric.tolist()) else: raise ValueError('the array is not of the correct shape')
[docs] def born_charges(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the effective Born charges tensors in Cartesian coordinates. ..note: The indecis refers to: 1. Atomic index. 2. Polarization index. 3. Atomic displacement index. :returns: numpy.ndarray, shape (num primitive cell atoms, 3, 3) """ try: value = self.get_array('born_charges') except (KeyError, AttributeError): value = None return value
[docs] def set_born_charges(self, born_charges: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """Set the Born effective charge tensors in Cartesian coordinates. ..note: The indecis refers to: 1. Atomic index. 2. Polarization index. 3. Atomic displacement index. :param born_charges: (number of atoms in the primitive cell, 3, 3) shape array like :raises: * TypeError: if the format is not compatible or of the correct type * ValueError: if the format is not compatible or of the correct type """ self._if_can_modify() if not isinstance(born_charges, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('the input is not of the correct type') the_born_charges = np.array(born_charges) nprimitive_atoms = len(self.get_primitive_cell().sites) if the_born_charges.shape == (nprimitive_atoms, 3, 3): self.set_array('born_charges', the_born_charges) else: raise ValueError('the array is not of the correct shape')
[docs] def has_nac_parameters(self) -> bool: """Return wheter or not the Data has non-analytical constants.""" return (self.dielectric is not None and self.born_charges is not None)
[docs] def _if_can_modify(self): """Check if the object is stored and raise an error if so. To use in every setter.""" from aiida.common.exceptions import ModificationNotAllowed if self.is_stored: raise ModificationNotAllowed('The PhonopyData object cannot be modified, it has already been stored')