Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module defining the class for managing the frozen phonon structure."""
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import json
from typing import Union

from aiida import orm
import numpy as np
from phonopy.structure.cells import PhonopyAtoms

from aiida_phonopy.calculations.functions.link_structures import phonopy_atoms_to_structure

from .raw import RawData

[docs]class PreProcessData(RawData): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Class for pre-processing of frozen-phonon calculations. This class is designed for handling the pre-process information regarding a frozen phonon calculation using ``Phonopy``. These regard the unitcell structure, the supercell and primitive matrix, as well as other symmetry information. """ def __init__( self, structure: Union[orm.StructureData, None] = None, phonopy_atoms: Union[PhonopyAtoms, None] = None, supercell_matrix: list | None = None, primitive_matrix: list | None = None, symprec: float = 1e-05, is_symmetry: bool = True, distinguish_kinds: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Instantiate the class. The minimal input is to define either the `structure` or the `phonopy_atoms` input. They cannot be specified at the same time. :param structure: an :class:`~aiida.orm.StructureData` node :param phononpy_atoms: a :class:`~phonopy.structure.cells.PhonopyAtoms` instance :param supercell_matrix: a (3,3) shape array describing the supercell transformation :param primitive_matrix: a (3,3) shape array describing the primite transformation :param symprec: precision tollerance for symmetry analysis :param is_symmetry: whether using symmetries :distinguish_kinds: it stores a mapping between kinds and chemical symbols; by default Phonopy does not support kind, thus useful if in the input `structure` kinds are defined :paramm kwargs: for internal use """ kwargs['structure'] = structure kwargs['phonopy_atoms'] = phonopy_atoms kwargs['supercell_matrix'] = supercell_matrix kwargs['primitive_matrix'] = primitive_matrix kwargs['symprec'] = symprec kwargs['is_symmetry'] = is_symmetry kwargs['distinguish_kinds'] = distinguish_kinds super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.__class__.__name__ == 'PreProcessData': self.set_displacements() @property
[docs] def displacement_dataset(self) -> dict | list | None: """Get the dispacement dataset in a readible format for phonopy. If not set, None is returned. """ message = '`displacement_dataset` stored in the database will be deprecated in v2.0.0' try: import warnings the_dataset = self.base.attributes.get('displacement_dataset') warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) return the_dataset except AttributeError: filename = 'displacement_dataset.json' if filename in self.base.repository.list_object_names(): with, mode='rb') as handle: return json.load(handle) return None
[docs] def displacements(self) -> list | dict: """Get the displacements to apply to the supercell. :returns: array with displacements; can be type-I or type-II (see :func:`phonopy.Phonopy.displacements`) """ # For the time being, it is important to keep this implementation for the subclasses in the package, # otherwise a loop is generated (i.e. in the PhonopyData class, when setting the forces). ph = super().get_phonopy_instance() ph.dataset = self.displacement_dataset return ph.displacements
[docs] def get_displacements(self) -> list | dict: """Get the displacements to apply to the supercell.""" return self.displacements
[docs] def set_displacements( self, distance: float = 0.01, is_plusminus: str = 'auto', is_diagonal: bool = True, is_trigonal: bool = False, number_of_snapshots: int | None = None, random_seed: int | None = None, temperature: float | None = None, cutoff_frequency: float | None = None, ): """Set displacements for frozen phonon calculation. Refer to :py:func:`phonopy.Phonopy.generate_displacements` for a complete description of the inputs. .. note: temperature different from 0K can be given only when forces are set up. Thus, in the PreProcessData value different from zero will raise an error. :raises ValueError: if the inputs are not compatible with phonopy standards """ self._if_can_modify() ph = self.get_phonopy_instance() try: ph.generate_displacements( distance=distance, is_plusminus=is_plusminus, is_diagonal=is_diagonal, is_trigonal=is_trigonal, number_of_snapshots=number_of_snapshots, random_seed=random_seed, temperature=temperature, cutoff_frequency=cutoff_frequency, ) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError('one or more input types are not accepted') from err self._set_displacements(copy.deepcopy(ph.dataset))
[docs] def _set_displacements(self, value: list | dict): """Put in the repository the displacement dataset in json format.""" try: serialized = json.dumps(value) except TypeError: serialized = json.dumps(_serialize(value)) self.base.repository.put_object_from_bytes(serialized.encode('utf-8'), 'displacement_dataset.json')
[docs] def set_displacements_from_dataset(self, dataset: dict | list): """Set displacements for frozen phonon calculation from a dataset. Useful if you want to set displacements from a previously random generated displacement dataset, or for setting dataset for self-consistent harmonic approximation. :param dataset: dictionary or array like (numpy or list), compatible with phonopy :raises ValueError: if the inputs are not compatible with phonopy standards """ self._if_can_modify() ph = self.get_phonopy_instance() if isinstance(dataset, dict): try: ph.dataset = dataset except RuntimeError as err: raise ValueError('non compatible format') from err elif isinstance(dataset, (np.ndarray, list)): try: ph.displacements = dataset except RuntimeError as err: raise ValueError('non compatible format') from err else: raise ValueError('type not accepted') self._set_displacements(_serialize(copy.deepcopy(ph.dataset)))
[docs] def get_phonopy_instance(self, symmetrize_nac: bool = None, factor_nac: float | None = None, **kwargs): """Return a :class:`~phonopy.Phonopy` object with the current values. :param symmetrize_nac: whether or not to symmetrize the nac parameters using point group symmetry; defaults to self.is_symmetry :type symmetrize_nac: bool :param factor_nac: factor for non-analytical corrections; defaults to Hartree*Bohr :type factor_nac: float :param kwargs: for internal use to set the primitive cell """ ph = super().get_phonopy_instance(symmetrize_nac, factor_nac, **kwargs) if self.displacement_dataset is not None: ph.dataset = self.displacement_dataset return ph
[docs] def get_supercells_with_displacements(self) -> dict[orm.StructureData]: """Get the supercells with displacements for frozen phonon calculation. .. note: this is not linking in the provenance the output structures. Use the `self.calcfunctions.get_supercells_with_displacements` instead :returns: dictionary with StructureData nodes, None if the displacement dataset has not been set """ # Here we distinguish the kind, but only for mapping purposes. # This does not affect the number of displacements, since they # have been set with the correct flag of not distinguishing kinds. ph = self.get_phonopy_instance(**{'distinguish': True}) supercells = ph.supercells_with_displacements mapping = self.kinds_map structures_dict = {} digits = len(str(len(supercells))) # this will make the labels more nice to read for i, scell in enumerate(supercells): # start from 1 - better choice for gathering forces label = f'supercell_{str(i + 1).zfill(digits)}' structures_dict.update({label: phonopy_atoms_to_structure(scell, mapping, self.pbc)}) return structures_dict
[docs] def generate_displacement_dataset( self, distance: float = 0.01, is_plusminus: str = 'auto', is_diagonal: bool = True, is_trigonal: bool = False, number_of_snapshots: int | None = None, random_seed: int | None = None, temperature: float | None = None, cutoff_frequency: float | None = None, ): """Return the displacement dataset for frozen phonon calculation. Refer to :py:func:`phonopy.Phonopy.generate_displacements` for a complete description of the inputs. :raises ValueError: if the inputs are not compatible with phonopy standards """ ph = self.get_phonopy_instance() try: ph.generate_displacements( distance=distance, is_plusminus=is_plusminus, is_diagonal=is_diagonal, is_trigonal=is_trigonal, number_of_snapshots=number_of_snapshots, random_seed=random_seed, temperature=temperature, cutoff_frequency=cutoff_frequency, ) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError('one or more inputs made the phonopy instance to raise an error') from err return copy.deepcopy(ph.dataset)
[docs] def calcfunctions(self): """Namespace to access the calcfunction utilities.""" from aiida_phonopy.calculations.functions.data_utils import CalcfunctionMixin return CalcfunctionMixin(data_node=self)
[docs] def generate_preprocess_data( structure: orm.StructureData, displacement_generator: dict | None = None, supercell_matrix: list | None = None, primitive_matrix: list | None = None, symprec: float | None = None, is_symmetry: bool | None = None, distinguish_kinds: bool | None = None, ): """Return a complete stored PreProcessData node. :param structure: structure data node representing the unitcell :type structure: :class:`~aiida.orm.StructureData` :param displacement_generator: dictionary containing the info for generating the displacements, defaults to phonopy default (see phonopy doc) :type displacement_generator: orm.Dict :param supercell_matrix: supercell matrix, defaults to diag(1,1,1) :type supercell_matrix: :class:`~aiida.orm.List`, Optional :param primitive_matrix: primitive matrix, defaults to "auto" :type primitive_matrix: :class:`~aiida.orm.List`, Optional :param symprec: symmetry precision on atoms, defaults to 1e-5 :type symprec: :class:`~aiida.orm.Float`, Optional :param is_symmetry: if using space group symmetry, defaults to True :type is_symmetry: :class:`~aiida.orm.Bool`, Optional :param distinguish_kinds: if distinguish names of same specie by symmetry, defaults to True :type distinguish_kinds: :class:`~aiida.orm.Bool`, Optional :return: PreProcessData node """ from aiida_phonopy.calculations.functions.data_utils import generate_preprocess_data kwargs = {} kwargs['structure'] = structure if displacement_generator is not None: kwargs['displacement_generator'] = displacement_generator if supercell_matrix is not None: kwargs['supercell_matrix'] = supercell_matrix if primitive_matrix is not None: kwargs['primitive_matrix'] = primitive_matrix if symprec is not None: kwargs['symprec'] = symprec if is_symmetry is not None: kwargs['is_symmetry'] = is_symmetry if distinguish_kinds is not None: kwargs['distinguish_kinds'] = distinguish_kinds return generate_preprocess_data(**kwargs)
[docs]def _serialize(data: dict | list): """Serialize the data for displacement dataset, in case it contains numpy.ndarray.""" serialized = copy.deepcopy(data) try: for key, value in data.items(): serialized[key] = _serialize(value) except AttributeError: if isinstance(serialized, list): for i, value in enumerate(data): serialized[i] = _serialize(value) else: if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): return copy.deepcopy(data.tolist()) return serialized